Random thoughts for February~

It was cool chatting it up on the ETSY labs...I miss those chats and am sad that the critiques/help are on EST =(
But I also need to really re-focus on some of my pictures...so I guess I'm not really ready for Danielle to critique my shop haha...scary XD

My goal - other than hopefully upgrading to a 2-sale-a-month seller (lol) - is really start looking at some marketing venues...
I bought my own url finally - i think i purchased the 3 year (or was it 5?) from godaddy...and it works! (feel free to check it out
http://www.sesamebijoux.com/ ) now when i reprint my biz cards i can just use my own url instead. Less complicated for people like the bf who doesn't remember/know how to spell anyways LOL!

I also finally attended stamp camp..and it was really really nice having just an intimate group of my friends there. We chatted about anything and everything - got bak into card creativity (i'm still a "natural" crooked stamper though haha...some things won't change i guess...)

The funniest part was when we were all talking about the darn facebook app/games =_=
and ...if you are my friend on FB...SINCERE appologies for bombarding you with cafe world posts =( The reason I post is so my friends can get some "free food" for their restaurant...and I'm really just trying to be helpful and not spammy =(
I try to only post 2-3 times a day w/ cafeworld LOL

Angie's lil boy Tyler is soooooo cute cute cute! He was too tired yesterday and didn't pull me to play toys with him...but he slept in the room we were in and he soooo darn cute!
Speaking of babies - I think I'm still helping my friend with her babyshower....I thought of some really cute ideas...but.....I'm not sure how well the parents-to-be will like the idea...
I'm going to enlist Angie's help if it gets kind of out of hand........still need to open and try out my cricut LOL!

So my 2nd goat in February is try to get a theme (color and type) ready for the baby shower...get most of the preperations/organization down on paper or something....

So far the goals seem ok right? Not too hard.. I think goals should be something worthwhile and attainable. Real baby-steps...

V-day and Chinese New Year will be coming up fast!
I've learned my lesson from Halloween - holidays are not yet a good sale-time for me (on Etsy). I had no sales in October - no one purchased X-mas themed colored items either...

So for V-day I'm just listing (and re-listing) some pink items...a few girly ones...but still making/listing stuff with no real consideration of the holiday.
The holiday purchase-rush has not yet hit my store...

Last bijoux goal for me in Feb is to come up with a cool new design. My own unique niche (one of the few things I've learned in my marketing class...wish i had a better professor at the time too...). I think...I need to buy more sterling silver wires...but am very hesitant to becuase I spent so much in 2009....
I also need some good practice wires - which still won't be cheap....
I also can't find the gems I purchased in NY! =(
I had some pink topaz that weren't cheap!!!!

I guess that means my "real" last goal is to clean/organize my beads stuff better....~sigh~

I just found out my friend - whom I've known THE longest (though we don't really communicate anymore) was just engaged! Ok ok...a slight tangent to my personal side/beliefs....I'm very happy for her of course and wish her all the best. But I'm not one of those girls that wishes I could be next-in-line (to get married). I really am not...and sometimes I wonder if this is really because of my traumatic childhood (watching/seeing/hearing my parents argue) or if it is really just all in my head. I don't wanna get too much into the specifics of my relationship....but a lot of people have asked me what my response would be if my bf proposes to me "today". Lets say I hope he doesn't cry his eyes out LOL!!!!

I don't know if I'll ever feel that "ready to get married" feeling...or if this "phase of my life" will pass....

Again - sorry for my long rants...
Reward time!

~Re-pictured pretties~

Helloooo to everyone out in Blogger-land!

Testing testing =)

My first blog for 2010!
hmm...thinking of what style and how I should approach my blog...

I do have to make a quick note (if for the sake of myself reminding the future me where I was at this point in time) that recently I've come down with a slight depression again (happens quite often...monthly infact LOL so just ignore this lil rant here...i'll mark it in blue...a color i consider the enemy to my purple! Why? Because blue is so gosh-darn popular... BLUE BLUE BLUE! "mimicking Jan from Brady Bunch"
I get side tracked a lot sorry...

yes my depression - well...a few personal things going on....and eh...this isn't fun...

ok let me just talk about myself and why jewelry making.. =)

So - first question: WHY JEWELRY? ITS SOOOO SATURATED! ...I did not KNOW THIS! Ok, I did not know that there were already SO MANY fellow jewelry crafters out there. I really didn't think to consider the business side of jewelry making/selling. I am a VERY VERY picky person =( When I go to a store and look at the earrings displayed - I often want to change something about them. Its too long, or I didn't like the stones they used...or I wish that they didn't add or did add this/that...and here I am today - trying to make a mini side-biz out of my sparkling creativity [sparkle as in the items I make...not the as yet non-existant revenue..]

I also have to admit - making jewelry consumes a lot less space =) My good friend Lilo (http://liloshaggymoto.blogspot.com/) is definetly a card-making eeeeextrodinaire! She got me back into my love of creativity. Before working at the company where I met Lilo, I was very into crafty things too...without really realizing how much i love creating... I had knitting things I had needlepoint stuff... and honestly I liked painting BUT my HS art teacher snuffed that fire out right away... She basically told me (with grades not words) I have no artistic bud in my genes =) Wow huh? I liked dancing too...and oddly enough that same teacher was our HS dance teacher and held me back from going to the next level... and people complain that teachers don't inspire anymore............wait... this one didn't! (did i mention that i sometimes tend to add a bit of my sarcastic cynicism into my blog?)

anyways...sorry i said i get side tracked a lot right?

ok...so when I met Lilo she introduced me to this wooonderful wonderful lady and her once a month "stamp camps". I got hooked RIGHT AWAY! I naturally began spending hundreds on stamps and cardstock and ink and glitter...........and I love creating my cards (will post some of my favorites below) but I really just don't have the kind of space. I hate having to pack everything back up and unpack again when its the next birthday...so I would mass produce bday cards for the month of XXXXXX....

But this stamp camping lead me back to thinking how much I had wanted to learn how to make jewelry...if only I started a few years later.........but that's another story and another headache all together =)

Alright...ready for the next question?
I will apologize right now - if you've read this far...THANK YOU! I LOVE YOU! hahaha
I like to write a lot and as you can see...digress alot as well...and I can really ramble on and on...I'm so not like this in person believe you me =)

Let - you get a reward for reading this far - less reading more seeing!
~TIME FOR PICTURES~ yahooooooo~~

I will post more earring pictures next blog =) But let me say that my current really really super duper favorite one is this Amethyst Star Earring though - so I'm going to give it a little plug right here: (its sooo cute)

you can find this item on my online ETSY store: www.etsy.com/shop/sesamebijoux

direct link to the earring: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=29963933

My favorite cards I made last year (btw: my cards are called "crookedstamping"...because as you can see...for the life of me I just can't stamp straight and didn't want to buy the L shaped ruler thing).

2 of my ALL TIME favorite cards have been...of course...for my mother =)
I made this V-day Card & Mother's Day for my mommy :hearts: