A Alicia - Eco-ethical textile jewellery

Today we chat to A Alicia; another designer featured in We Make London's new book, Inspired:London

What is name and background behind your company?
I run A Alicia, an eco-ethical textile jewellery business.

Where are you based?
All A Alicia jewellery is handmade in my studio in beautiful East London!

How long have you been in business for?
A Alicia is 3 and a half.

What do you love most about living in London?
Meeting so many inspiring people.

Who or what inspires you?
Everything, from spending time in museums to trawling ebay for vintage pottery!

What advice would you give designers starting out?
Meet other designers – if you can tap-in to some of the amazing craft/design networks out there you’ll have access to so many more opportunities, support and advice. This is easier in London, but things like blogs and twitter mean you can engage with other designers wherever you are.

What is new for your company?
This year I’ve started working with ceramics (and have fallen in love with it!), so I’m hoping to introduce this more to future collections.