Si barbatii decoreaza :D

In primele 2 articole, v-am prezentat cateva produse pentru casa care m-au atras :) De data asta l-am rugat pe iubitul meu sa arunce o privire pe site sa vad ce ii place si daca avem gusturi comune :)
Eu nu i-am aratat ce am ales eu ca sa nu fie influentat :))

Singurul lucru pe care am pus ochii eu si l-a ales si el este o draperie VANIACOR

Nu mai e nevoie sa o descriu...e o draperie frumoasa. Am pus ochii amandoi pe ea, deci e bine :))

Urmatorul obiect pe care l-a ales e o cuvertura de pat MARTINA

Culoarea maro nu e chiar preferata mea, insa modelul ales mi se pare chiar dragut mai ales ca predomina albul. Iar designul maro de pe cuvertura e chiar dragut...dar cred ca arata si mai bine daca era o culoare mai puternica. Gusturi si gusturi :))

El e adeptul pernelor decorative, de aceea urmatoarea lui obsesie sunt niste perne decorative PEHUEN 

Sunt frumoase, dar clar nu le-as alege pe cele in nuante de maro. Pe site am vazut ca sunt disponibile in mai multe nuante si as opta pentru culori mai vesele ca sa fie o pata de culoare si sa imi inspire o stare de bine :)

In concluzie sunt multumita de alegerile lui, chiar daca am si comentat putin, dar cred ca ajungem la un numitor comun :)
Voi ce ziceti? Va plac alegerile?

Finaliste Halloween Giveaway

S-a incheiat concursul de Hallowen iar astazi o sa va prezint participantele si cele 2 fete care vor merge in finala.
Sunt extrem de dezamagita, deoarece au fost doar 3 inscrieri si sunt sigura ca se putea si mai mult. La concursurile la care nu trebuie sa faceti nimic va inscrieti cu sutele...iar la un concurs care necesita implicare nu se inscrie aproape nimeni... Asta e :(

Cele 3 fete participante sunt :

Elena Calin

Orian Cristina

Badea Andreea

Din pacate Elena Calin nu mi-a lasat comentariu la postare cu numele cu care urmareste blogul iar cele 2 participante care merg in finala sunt Badea Andreea si Orian Cristina !!!!
Felicitari fetelor si multa bafta :)

In finala intra Orian Cristina si Elena Calin !!!
Elena a lasat comentariu pe blogul, deci inscrierea ei este valida iar Badea Alexandra a participat pe mai multe bloguri, deci e descalificata. Imi pare rau ca ai facut un machiaj chiar dragut :)

Chocolate Creative - Handmade Homewares

Today we chat to chocolate creative; another designer featured in We Make London's new book, Inspired:London

What is name and background behind your company? 
The name is chocolate creative, I founded the brand after many years working as a graphic designer back in Spain and in London. I felt I wanted to do something more hands on and to do with textiles so I began to study textiles and printmaking, and after selling the first cushions collection to Mint, the homeware shop in London,  I realized this is what I wanted to do, so started to invest my time, energy and money on creating chocolate creative.

Where are you based?
 I am based in my studio at home, in South London and in Spain where my partner works most of the time on the wooden products.

How long have you been in business for? 
I opened the online shop in November 2008, together with the blog.

What do you love most about living in London? 
The amazing opportunities this city brings you every day. And how many exciting events, places, architecture, people and many more you can get to meet and see, I like the art, design and craft scene, and how much support and recognition there is toward what we do. The markets, junk shops, antiques, independent shops, coffee places, restaurants, and the multicultural aspect of  an ever changing mega city.

Who or what inspires you? 
Nature, vintage images and crafts, art, museums, antiques, art, and very driven, passionate and creative people.

What advice would you give designers starting out? 
Make sure this is the path you want to take, and once you have made the decision don’t’ stop until you get where you want to be, don’t hesitate, be prepared to work very hard and sacrifice your social life and money, but in return you will learn that it is all worth, once you start making a living out of what you love.

What is new for your company? 
Keep growing the awareness and profile of the brand and company, create new products, focus and increasing direct sells, organize a show per year where to showcase new collections and in between all of this, have fun and live life to the full!.

Chi Chi Dee - Handmade Accessories

We chat to Leanne about her business, Chi Chi Dee. Leanne is one of the talented designers featured in We Make London's new book, Inspired:London.

What is name and background behind your company? 
Chi Chi Dee is a nickname my partner used to call me around the time I started making things. I'm not sure why, but it just stuck and has come to represent the fun, upbeat, colourful and playful nature of my label. I wanted to include the word 'handmade' in my brand to emphasise that each of my pieces is designed and created by one individual. For me it's important to encourage and promote handmade as an ethos – a can-do, hands-on approach to life.

Where are you based?
I'm currently based in Hackney but the business has accompanied me over the years to the Bavarian Alps, Greece and Melbourne, Australia.

How long have you been in business for?
I started it back in 2007 but it was more of a hobby business back then. I always had other jobs to support myself and just made things on the side. I would say I went into business properly at the beginning of 2012, when I quit my day job to focus fully on my passion.

What do you love most about living in London?
It is the one place in the world in which I feel completely free and independent. It is eclectic and open-minded. Anything goes. A simple walk down the street soon turns into a whirlwind of impressions and being fed by this constant input becomes addictive. I feel as though there are more people here living outside the box than anywhere else in the world, (other than, perhaps, New York), which means I can be inspired by alternative ways of being, rather than settling for the status quo. I suppose it is the possibility that lures and ensnares me, the prospect of great things.

Who or what inspires you? 
London! My partner; his insatiable thirst for knowledge, his integrity, his humour and his boundless energy. Other really nice and interesting creative people. My lovely customers.

What advice would you give designers starting out?
 Have the right perspective. Don't be in a rush to 'be' a designer, allow yourself the chance to 'become' one first. Let things to grow organically and enjoy what you do.

What is new for your company?
Clothing. Whereas up until now I have focused on accessories, I am currently branching out into clothing. Right row I'm working on a range of tank tops and leggings, comfy things that I love to wear.

Chantal Franks - Abstract art

Today we chat to Inspired:London featured designer, Chantal Franks.

What is name and background behind your company?
My name is Chantal Franks and I am an Artist. I paint in expressionist and abstract styles. My subjects vary from portraits to architecture and seascapes to nature and mysticism. I paint in mostly acrylic and inks.  I also do photography and write poetry and non-fiction.
Where are you based?
I am based in the Essex/East London area but I have exhibited in venues across the south east.

How long have you been in business for?
I have been trading since July 2011.
What do you love most about living in London?
What i love about living in the London area is that there is so much to be inspired by. London is one of the main centres of the planet so the energy generated by this city is such a gift. Living here is be connected to the pulse of the planet. It is a blessing to be living in such an amazing place. As the saying goes 'What's not to like!'.

Who or what inspires you?
I am inspired by beauty in all its forms.
What advice would you give designers starting out?
The advice I would give to other Artists starting out is it to take ownership over your own creativity and believe in yourself.

What is new for your company?
Looking to the future I am hoping to;
·         focus more on commissions for individuals and businesses.
·         produce more prints of my original work in various forms and sizes.
·         complete my illustrations for a new poetry book I am hoping to publish.
·         Produce a photographic collection of my work for exhibition and publication.
·         develop my website(s) and internet presence and
·         do more media work and promotion.

Giveaway aniversar - Giada Roma

Va invit la un nou concurs aniversar si va invit cu mare drag sa participati si la restul :)

De aceasta data sponsorul nostru este Giada Rome. Pe site gasiti o multitudine de accesorii care de care mai superbe :)
Daca doriti sa va inscrieti reprezentant si sa castigati un venit suplimentar din promovarea magazinului si din vanzarea produselor click aici. La cod coordonator treceti codul :

Asadar premiul acestui concurs consta intr-o bratara cu cristale swarovski si 2 seturi superbe de decoratiuni pentru unghii.

Cerinte :

1. Urmareste acest blog prin GFC
2. Da like paginii de facebook a blogului aici
3. Da share pozei de concurs de aici
4. Raspunde la cele 2 intrebari legate de blog pe care le gasiti in formularul de mai jos.

Doar persoanele care raspund corect la intrebari vor lua parte la tragerea la sorti :)

Concursul se termina in data de 10 noiembrie :)
Bafta !

Cand raceala isi face de cap....te tine tintuit in pat !!!

Haaaapppp-ciuuuu !!! Stiti deja ce inseamna asta, nu? Da...e primul semn ca vom gazdui o raceala. Nimanui nu ii place starea de disconfort oferita de raceala. Acele zile bolnavicioase sunt un calvar, incepand de la dureri de cap, frisoane, dureri in gat si lista poate continua.
Acum suntem in plina toamna si dupa cum bine stiti suntem foarte predispusi la raceala.

Eu ma consider una dintre persoanele norocoase, deoarece racesc foarte rar. Sunt dimineti in care ma trezesc cu nasul infundat dar alte simptome nu prezint. Insa atunci cand sunt racita, boala ma tine la pat zile bune si nu sunt in stare sa fac nimic.
In primul rand, daca raciti evitati sa luati antibiotice. Daca luati si vedeti ca raceala va trece mai repede sa stiti ca e doar ceva superficial. Da, intr-adevar antibioticul distruge virusii, dar slabeste sistemul imunitar si o sa raciti si mai des. Innebunesc cand vad mame care le administreaza copiilor de la varste de 3 ani antibiotice si injectii la cel mai mic stranut. Personal consider ca e necesar sa apelati la acest tip de medicamente doar la recomandarea medicului si doar daca e cazul.

De-a lungul timpului am invatat diverse trucuri pentru a combate raceala si pentru a o preveni. Mai multe detalii gasiti in randurile de mai jos :

In primul rand atunci cand sunt racita, incerc sa ma odihnesc cat mai mult. Nu pot sa imi anulez toate activitatile zilnice pentru a sta in pat, insa de exemplu in loc sa stau la pc dorm, in loc sa merg la o plimbare ma uit la tv in pat etc. Cand suntem raciti corpul nostru este slabit si are nevoie de odihna pentru a-si reincarca bateriile ca sa lupte impotriva virusilor.
Lichidele de asemenea sunt foarte importante, deoarece fiind racita simt cum ma dezhidratez, cand am febra transpir...deci corpul are nevoie de lichide. Daca de obicei consum apa sau suc, cand sunt racita beau foarte multe ceaiuri cu lamaie. Cand am nasul foarte infundat fac bai de aburi si pun cateva picaturi de ulei de menta sau eucalipt. Cu ajutorul acestui truc mi se desfunda caile respiratorii si calmeaza durerea in gat.
Eu toamna si iarna am aproape mereu mainile si picioarele reci, chiar daca in casa sunt 30 de grade. De aceea mereu simt nevoie sa le incalzesc si cel mai adesea apelez la bai fierbinti. Intr-un lighean pun apa cat mai fierbinte si adaug cateva lingurite de sare. Imi tin picioarele pana se raceste apa, pun sosete groase de bumbac si deja ma simt mai bine :)
Pentru mine sarea e un ingredient fiecare data m-a scapat de durerile in gat. Pun sare intr-o batista mai mare si o tin deasupra flacarei de la aragaz pana se incalzeste. Sa fiti atente sa fie o distanta intre flacara si batista sa nu ia foc cumva :)). Dupa ce e calda, ma pun in pat, pun batista pe gat si leg in jurul gatului un fular gros care va mentine sarea calda timp indelungat. Durerea de gat se va atenua in timp.
Durerile de cap, devin si ele insuportabile atunci cand ma paste raceala si optez doar pentru un paracetamol si comprese cu felii de cartof crud :)
Atunci cand au febra, multe persoane tind sa stea in pat si sa se la prima vedere pare ok, nu e deloc asa. Febra se manifesta prin cresterea temperaturii corpului iar daca noi ii oferim corpului si mai multa caldura, febra nu o sa scada in curand. Evitati de asemenea si frectia cu spirt, pentru ca poate fi absorbit in piele si poate provoca intoxicatii cu alcool.
Luati un paracetamol sau o aspirina si bagati un burete in apa calie cu care mai apoi faceti comprese pe corp pana temperatura scade si ajunge la normal. Puteti uda un cearceaf in apa calie si stati invelit cu el cateva minute.

Acestea sunt micile trucuri naturale la care apelez atunci cand sunt racita. Insa pe langa asta, corpul nostru are nevoie de vitamine si nutrienti pe care din pacate nu le prea gasim in alimente si apelam la capsule. In fiecare an am perioade in care consum suplimenti special in perioadele critice cum e toamna cand suntem predispusi la raceala.
O sa va prezint mai jos vitaminele pe care le iau incepand din aceasta iarna. E prima data cand iau vitamine romanesti si ma simt incantata. Sunt foarte ok iar pretul este mic :)

Hofigal Imun - pret 9.90 lei

Cu extract din partile aeriene si radacini de Echinacea purpurea si Echinacea angustifolia, gluconat de zinc, vitamina C si excipienti.
  1. Actiune: stimuleaza sistemul imunitar, potenteaza eficacitatea tratamentului antimicrobian in infectii bacteriene; ajuta la normalizarea activitatii prostatei (impiedica aparitia hipertrofiei benigne de prostata); antiinflamatorie generala (la nivelul aparatului uro-genital si a mucoasei cailor respiratorii); accelereaza procesul de vindecare a plagilor si arsurilor, asigurand o buna cicatrizare a tesuturilor lezate, scade sinteza si depunerile de colesterol in vase si tesuturi; stimuleaza functiile hipofizei si corticosuprarenalelor; contribuie la dezvoltarea normala a gonadelor; incetineste procesele de degenerare tisulara datorita actiunii nocive a radicalilor liberi superoxidici si reduce procesul de imbatranire precoce si riscul aparitiei de neoplazii; favorizeaza sinteza si activitatea unor polipeptide cu functii biologice esentiale (insulina, interferon, limfokine).

  1. Mod de administrare:
Adulti: 1-2 capsule de 2-3 ori pe zi in timpul meselor sau la recomandarea medicului.
Copii (peste 5 ani): 1-2 capsule pe zi in timpul meselor sau la recomandarea medicului.
Administrarea se poate face in cure de 6-8 saptamani sau la recomandarea medicului.
Continut: 30 capsule. 

Ulei de peste - pret : 14,88 lei
Actiune: produsul este un supliment nutritiv, usor resorbabil care contine acizi grasi esentiali Omega si lipide. Este util pentru sanatatea creierului si inlaturarea starilor depresive, administrat in mod rational  restabileste raportul acizilor grasi esentiali, contribuind la functionarea optima a corpului uman.
Mod de administrare:
Adulti: cate 1-2 capsule de 900 mg, de 2 ori pe zi;
Copii de 3-7 ani: cate 2-3 capsule de 300 mg de 2 ori pe zi, dupa mesele principale;
Copii peste 7 ani: 2-4 capsule de 300 mg de 3 ori pe zi, dupa mesele principale.
Administrarea se poate face permanent sau in cure prelungite. La adulti este recomandabila asocierea cu produse antioxidante (vitamina C, E, flavonoizi, coenzima Q10).
Continut: 40 capsule moi.

Momentan iau doar aceste 2 suplimente naturale :) De la Hofigal mai am Spirulina cu extract total de catina  si Coenzima Q10 in ulei de catina . Iar cand sunt racita sau am dureri de cap apelez la Salicilol natural .
Dupa ce o sa termin Hofigal Imun si uleiul de peste o sa continui cu cele mentionate mai sus si cu siguranta o sa revin cu un nou articol ca sa va spun cum s-au comportat :)

Toate produsele prezentate pot fi gasite in magazinul online Daciccool. Pe langa acestea va este pusa la dispozitie o gama mare de produse romanesti, asadar aveti de unde alege :)
De asemenea va invit cu mare drag sa le ii urmariti pe facebook , deoarece periodic sunt prezentate oferte care de care mai tentante. Si nu vreti sa le pierdeti, nu? :)

Sper ca v-a facut placere sa cititi modalitatile mele de a trata raceala si va invit si pe voi sa imi spuneti la ce trucuri apelati :)

Va pup si va doresc multa sanatate !

Redecoram in continuare :)

In articolul precedent v-am prezentat cateva perdele pe care am pus ochii de curand :)

Si cum noi femeile nu punem ochii doar pe cateva produse, revin cu partea a doua a articolului ca sa va prezint alte produse care ma incanta :)

Am gasit o cuvertura de pat DOWENDY care mi se pare magnifica. Cred ca nu as vrea sa ma mai ridic din pat :))

Albul imi inspira curatenie iar floricele desenate imi confera o stare de bine :) E deosebita si inspira eleganta. Am mai vazut ici colo cuverturi si lenjerii de pat din saten...dar oricat de bine ar arata, va spun sincer ca nu ma incanta. Aluneca, se sifoneaza repede, se agata etc.

Si daca tot am ales modelul asta de cuvertura am ochit si o draperie VANIACOR care sa se asorteze cu floricele mov :)

Ador draperiile pentru ca mi se par mai elegante si mai frumoase. Sunt satula de clasicele jaluzele albe... Modelul acesta mi se pare chiar frumos si se potriveste de minune unei camere spatioase. Daca geamul e unul mare, atunci e perfect :)

Si ca sa inchei intr-o nota vesela, o sa va arat si o perdea de copii FROPABOR. Nu, nu am copii....dar ador articolele dedicate lor. Chiar si in magazine, tajnesc dupa astfel de produse. Cand o sa am un copil cu siguranta va avea cea mai frumoasa camera din lume :)

Nu-i asa ca e frumoasa? E vesela si comica...insa cred ca ar merge mai degraba pentru baietei. Pentru fete as opta pentru nuante de roz, cu siguranta :)
Chiar si asa va spun drept mi-ar place sa o cumpar pentru camera mea :)) Dar cum o impart cu iubitul meu nu se prea poate :)). Nu de mult, am intrat intr-un magazin si mi s-a pus pata pe un covor superb, colorat cu Mickey Mouse...mi-l doream din tot sufletul :)) Insa dragul meu iubit a strambat din nas si am renuntat...dar daca era cu Hello Kitty, clar nu plecam de acolo fara covor :))

Voua cum va place sa decorati si care dintre cele 3 articole de mai sus va place mai mult? :)

Celia Reid - Cards & Gifts

This afternoon, we chat to Inspired:London featured designer, Celia Reid.

What is the name and background behind your company?
I wanted to keep the name of my company nice and simple and so went with using Celia Reid Cards & Gifts.  It’s great that people know me by my first name and can easily identify me and my work.  By having ‘Cards & Gifts’ at the end of my name you can generally get the idea of the kinds of products I design and make.

I’ve always been very creative and knew I wanted to be a designer from a very young age.  I would always take part in artistic opportunities at school and so it was a natural progression to study Art & Design at college.  From there, my interests became more focused and I went on to study a BA (Hons) in Printed Textiles and Surface Pattern Design at the University of East London.  It took me a while to find my style of work and it wasn’t until my final year that I started using wallpaper, stitch and print for paper products and transferring some of those designs onto textiles for soft furnishings.

Where are you based?
Walworth, SE17 in my home studio.

How long have you been in business for?
I have pretty much been in business since graduating in 2004 but have always been working in other jobs alongside the designing and making.  I had my first exhibition in the October of that same year and haven’t looked back since.

What do you love most about living in London?
I love the fact that everything is pretty much on your doorstep.  There are so many beautiful museums, galleries and markets that you can take inspiration from.  There is also a great creative community in London.

Who or what inspires you?
I love the Victoria &Albert Museum!  I have always been inspired by decorative and floral patterns. 

What advice would you give designers starting out?
Just get out there and do it.  You learn so much along the way and you won’t actually know what customers think of your products until you try them out.

What is new for your company?
At the moment I am working on a card range that will be designed specifically for printed cards.  I want to branch out more into wholesale so need to produce some cards that are not entirely handmade.  I also miss being in a print studio and so will be working more with screen printing on the wallpaper to produce a range of products for the home.

Caroline Ramsey - Retropoodle

We chat to Caroline about her business, Retropoodle. Caroline is one of the talented designers featured in We Make London's new book, Inspired:London.

What is name and background behind your company?
My company, retropoodle comes from a desire to bring a new lease of life to beautiful forgotten vintage materials. I'm from generations of recyclers who always found a second use for most things and hate throwing things away if still useful. I also didn't want to contribute to endless waste and mass production. The name is light hearted, vintage inspired and I just like poodles!

Where are you based?
I am based in New Cross, South London.

How long have you been in business for?
I have been trading for over a year. Sewing and making for over 15 years.

What do you love most about living in London?
I love London because I feel you can never be bored living here. There is always something happening, places to go to and not everything costs either! I love art and culture and it is so easy to find something here on your own doorstep to feed your mind than anywhere else in the country.

Who or what inspires you?
I am inspired by each textile I source, it kind of suggests what I turn it into and my designs reflect my own personal style of the quirky. I love the sense of history behind a piece of embroidery or crochet I find, the skill involved that needs to be appreciated rather than thrown away. The thought of that fabric never being found again really inspires me to make it into a product that can be loved and purposeful again.

What advice would you give designers starting out?
My main advice is to take it one step at a time. It is easy to get carried away and spend lots of money in the beginning. It is best to try and do as much by yourself as possible in the early stages such as a website and photography, and develop as you become more successful and knowledgeable  You can't be perfect at the start so don't stress or bankrupt yourself!

What is new for your company?
I have been trading at Greenwich Market for the past few months and hope to continue regularly there. I love the vibe of being in a market and it is really important to meet your customers and get feedback and it gives you a real touch of the reality of selling! I am going to be selling my products on more websites and developing my range further.

Halloween giveaway !!!

Va invit la un nou concurs, de data asta cu ocazia zilei de Halloween :)

Iata ce trebuie sa faceti pentru a participa :

1. Da like paginii de facebook
2. Urmareste blogul prin GFC si lasati un comentariu cu numele folosit la inregistrare
3. Realizati un machiaj inspirat de poza de mai sus si trimiteti fotografia pe adresa de mail In poza trebuie sa aveti o foaie in mana pe care sa scrie " & Brilliant Beauty" . Va rog sa faceti pozele intr-o lumina favorabila pentru ca machiajul sa se vada cat mai bine si sa iasa in evidenta. Puteti sa trimiteti mai multe poze, dar poza in care tineti foaia in mana va fi publicata, de aceea trebuie sa va asigurati ca e una reusita :)

Vor fi punctate corectitudinea machiajului, creativitatea in realizarea acestuia si respectarea cerintelor impuse.

Acest concurs se desfasoara pe mai multe bloguri. Fiecare bloggerita va alege 2 participante care vor merge in finala. Apoi va alege 3 castigatoare dintre finaliste iar premiile sunt :

Locul 1
- Produse de pe site-ul in valoare de 200 lei
- Un abonament valabil un an la revista Make-up Magazine sau o sedinta foto
Locul 2
- Produse de pe site-ul in valoare de 150 lei
- Un abonament valabil un an la revista Make-up Magazine sau o sedinta foto
Locul 3
- Produse de pe site-ul in valoare de 100 lei
- Un abonament valabil un an la revista Make-up Magazine sau o sedinta foto

Aveti timp sa trimiteti pozele pana in data de 30 octombrie cand voi alege cele 2 finaliste :)
Timpul e scurt, dar stiu ca o sa va descurcati si sper sa primesc cat mai multe inscrieri :)

Bafta !!!

Caragh Buxton Illustrations

Caragh Buxton Illustrations is featured in Inspired:London, We Make London's new book. Today we talk to Caragh about her inspirations and plans for her business.

What is name and background behind your company?
My tiny business is called Caragh Buxton Illustrations, my work can be found at I adore to paint whimsical and childish illustrations,
My paintings are inspired by children at play. I love the way they lose themselves in a character – a fairy, a pirate, or a soldier. It’s magical to watch, and I try to capture that sense of adventure in my work. 
I run a very busy children’s party face painting business ( and am also a nursery nurse. I have four children so my life is incredibly hectic and my art is hard to fit in around a heavy schedule of school runs, working in the nursery and non stop face painting and body painting at events and parties. I am so in love with painting and drawing that I work around my busy life in order to fit it in because I simply adore illustrating, and it is my dream to be a full time illustrator.

Where are you based?
I am based in south London (tooting)

How long have you been in business for?
I stated about 2 years ago now

What do you love most about living in London?
I love the variety of people and the mix of cultures, my work means that I see every walk of life, and every party that I get booked for is different. Bringing my children up in London has given my children huge opportunities. For example both my boys row on the River Thames, they are regulars at the Herne Hill velodrome, they play rugby football and swim. I believe that they have had all these opportunities because we live in London and these things are on our doorstep.

Who or what inspires you?
Am definitely inspired by children, my own, the ones I meet while face painting and the children I look after at Nursery. I am fascinated by the way they play and their imagination. I love to paint pictures that I know they would enjoy to look at and it gives me so much pleasure when I see a child appreciating my illustrations. I love to look at the little faces and the expressions and the body language, I find it so very cute and try to capture that joy of childhood.

I am inspired by the classic illustrators like Arthur Rackham, but also adore illustrators such as Helen Oxenbury and my most favorites of all time Lisbeth Zwerger. Susan B. Pearse who illustrated the vintage Ameliaranne books is another one of my favourites. There are also illustrators that I see on etsy that I admire including Stephanie Fizer Colemen Danita

What advice would you give designers starting out?
I would say do what you love and that love of your craft will shine through in your work.

What is new for your company?
I am having a new site made in January which will be called I have also just completed a lovely commission for Edition Gollong for a range of greeting cards, the limited edition prints will be available on etsy very soon.

I am working on characters including Pirate Girl called Captain Katy and Circus Girl called Lettuce, see images attached

Contact info
Art and illustration: