February ~results

Its the end of the week and I've got some time to blog.......at 1130 PM
I know =(
...and by the way....what happened to being able to add colors to my blog txt? =(

At work they have officially announced that they are tracking our internet usage. So..I this means I should decrease the time I am online (which is of course when I do lots of SesameBijoux stuff....because when I get him I am mostly creating and snapping pictures...no time to search/type!!)
Alright - before I continue with SesameBijoux stories I need to add here that I think its ridiculous if they will be "punishing" me or warn me of my internet usage. I admit that like most people I am surfing the net a lot during work hours...but let me tell you....it is my saviour.

Not only does it help pass the time away and allow me to get some SesameBijoux stuff done...
the noise level in our department is quite outrageous at times. And I personally and someone that can get really annoyed with little things. For example if someone talks in a certain way...and...it kind of bothers me - i get really frustrated and annoyed and then my mood goes from high heaven to low hell..
i'm sorry - its mean and i can't help it
i am not trying to be racist/discriminating...but there are some people with annoying voices or some people with an extra loud way of talking....and I just can't stand it.
I listen to internet radio a lot because of them. Yes I have an ipod but its been the same 300 songs for the past few years....

Secondly I want to point out that I get my work done. I am never behind and I'm normally waiting on OTHERS so that I can complete MY task.

So should I get in trouble for using working hours to update my blog/facebook? I admit that maybe I can be told to use less lol I won't blame them on that. But if they threaten to take away my internet radio.......I will be mad.
I also use youtube to listen to songs...sometimes the same 5 songs are repeated over and over and over again...kind of annoying...besides on youtube you are actually exposed to more songs...different types of songs too...

Anyways...sorry for the long rant...lets look at some recent pretties that I've made...

Below are 2 of my current faves of the moment:
Citrine teardrop with what I call "toppings" of Labradorite.
This one is really cute - I know I'm not the only ones making these....but they're really fun to make/look at so I couldn't resist following the trend with these. They really to make the gemstone (an already sparkley treat) shine so much more.
Labradorite is also more famously called "moonstone"

This pair is a really cute one that I've been wanting to make for a long time. The wires I've had were too thick so I finally got the "courage" to spend more on wires (I'm trying to save up =/ which is soooo hard. Like trying to tell a baby not to cry for food....lol) So this pair was finally made - just in time for St. Patricks holiday too!

So an update with February goals::
I have no idea whats going on with the baby shower. With me being busy with trying to mass produce some jewelry....and keeping new items on my several different accounts
And the mother-to-be I imagine is...just focusing on getting the house baby-ready...we haven't talked to each other in 2 weeks.....
After thepinkparlour is over - I will be able to focus my attention on her baby LOL!

February sales - (so this could also be partial reason as to why I've not posted yet...lol) Last week and this week have been no sales - but I honestly should not be complaining AT ALL. Seeing that my past sales were zip to none in a 20-day period...I've very very happy with February sales.
I've read on the forums that February is supposed to be a slow month...so really I am grateful! (Then again....the other side of me is thinking...Nov - Dec were supposed to have been a busier month and it really wasn't....but I'm a true true newbie at crafting and online selling so the nicer side of me is taking over and trying to get my mean side to be more appreciative)

My uhm...organization is...back to no good again because I'm trying to use up some of the "older" beads I've had.
I'm trying to use the older beads for thepinkparlour - so that...you know.....next shopping spree I'll have some room to....fullfill hahahahahahahahahaha....

March goals:
>>Sell a lot at THEPINKPARLOUR<<
but really before this I need to focus on my uhm...display-ing technique. I have a few items...but nothing snazzy. If I really want to display my SesameBijoux as a really simple but classy name...I need to figure out how I'm going to display my items.
I love modern looking things...but I also love cutesy girly things... and with what budget I have...I don't know what I can afford at the moment and I hope the happy willing customers at thepinkparlour will be forgiving in that sense =) In fact I hope they are more focused on my jewelry instead of my uh...non-matchy and off-looking jewelry display holders/case
I'm going to try to purchase beads (and if possible...wires and etc) only 4 times a year. This means I'll need to focus on the upcoming holidays...I'll need to really consider what I want to make.
I love my star earrings - and will be trying to look for more and different stars..
>>Permit? License<<
This will all be figured out early March - and if I do get the permit/license...then I really have no excuse NOT to try my hand and try to sell my pretties at other fairs or farmer's market.
Wish me luck with all the tax things that may be associated with it though =( =/

February - week 2

As we are approaching (or have approached) the middle of the month...I'm very very happy, excited and pleased at my little tiny shop o sparkles =)

Firstly to announce is that I have been accepted to exhibit at a small local craft fair! Yes yes accepted...I had to apply! I had to submite 2-3 photos of items I will be featuring (ok ok...so I bombarded the poor lady with like 6 or 7 of my photos instead lol) and I mailed in my money order last week!
I hope the lady will at least let me know she got my money =( I know they're busy and all...but a little bit more attention on the response would be nice =X

So this exhibit will be in March and since the middle of last week - of course inspiration and motivation hit me hard like a bug on a windshield...
yay for inspiration and motivation!
a tad "eeeek" for stress and unexpectedness XD

this is the website for the fair
special thanks to dear Evelyn for informing me =)
The price to exhibit is also fairly decent...so I hope everything goes well!!! I can't wait!

So lets get on with my goals.

Half way through the month and I think its safe to say that goal #2 will have to be replaced....
the mother-to-be is feeling....less creative and more.....hibernating haha
she is the one in charge...so sadly i won't be making any cute baby things or helping with invitations =(

goal #3
My pretty gems have arrived!
And thanks in part to the splatter of motivation I've had recently - my kind of side goal is to now use up as many of the old beads as I can.
I try to stick by FIFO (sorry inserting some accounting jargon here) first-in-first-out
but its most always first-in-first-forgotten!
So this goal is still a work in progress - =/

~~ wonderful goal #1 ~~
my amethyst star earrings got another love (purchase) this past weekend!
I am soooo happy!
I really think these earrings are just tooooo oh so cute and adorable! How can people resist them?!!! LOL
I've decided to make some extras for the exhibit as a kind of "free gift" with every so-and-so purchase =)
Best of all - these favorite earrings of mine were sold on the Lunar New Year Day (here in the states) so I hope that it is really telling me what will be in store for Sesame Bijoux in the year 2010 =) [or technically...lunar year of 4 thousand some odd years...]
I really can't ask for more =)
I know that I am just enjoying and relishing this past 2 weeks...soooo great for my little shop of sparkles...and (hopefully soon) there will be a time when I'm going to read back on this blog and go...wow...I sound really stupid lol
but for the moment...lets just think and live in the present =)

2010 February Week 1

*turns around*

Oh! Why hello there! Did the first week of February already pass?
Funny *scratch head* while at work...the days just kept on dragging and dragging...yet the weekend...wait...the weekend is over already?! uuuurgh

I did not have a very productive work-week apparently.....
no...let me take it back...i got quite far on Happy Island =) LOL!

ok ok...lets see my progress report =(
*childhood images of parents yelling and me crying suddenly filled my mind!*
*nervous eyes dart around room*
alright...lets start with my first goal:

>> 2-sales a month <<
I am so shocked that this goal has already been met in week one! I really really am pleased and happy. This has never ever happened to Sesame Bijoux before and Sesame Bijoux is/was very happy to see this last week.

I have a slight slight notion that this has to do with Relevancy Thursday on ETSY (default search results are changed from "how recent a seller posted the item you are searching for" to "how RELEVANT a seller's posted item is to your search term). Yes yes...I know a lot of people are thinking...well duh we SHOULD be searching by relevancy rather than recency....but...........those crazy ETSY workers want the look of your search to be "fresh". I say why not take away the defult-ness of it and just have the buyer SELECT IT ON HIS/HER OWN while typing their search? Don't have it defaulted to any one particular category (there is also a selection for search by cheapest and search by most expensvie)

To me it really does make sense to have the searches listed as %% relevant to what the buyer is looking for....but........................then ETSY wouldn't be making that much off of sellers who re-list items everyday.
I've tried to cut down my relisting to 2 times a week (though I re-list 2-3 items each time....)

ok...goal #2
>>my friend's babyshower<<
well...i think luckily the responsibility of it all is not going to rest entirely on my shoulders
it sounded like the mom-to-be wants to just have me help her with maybe pasting/triming of her invitations
which is is a relief to me =)

so maybe i should scratch this goal....and put in my re-listing idea...
hmmm.... *wheels in head start to turn*

goal #3
>>clean and re-organize<<

yea....so before i get to the progress of this goal (oh...did i just give away the fact that i haven't started on this goal yet? LOL)

ok...i haven't bought any new beads/silver in.............oh i'd say a good 2 months (i think this should be another goal-oriented item...cutting down purchases of supplies...)

last week i also finally folded and bought some much needed pearls and small gemstones (egads i know!!!! so expensy...)
and while i was buying the pretties...i need to buy the shinies....
so i folded and bought some silver too...

ok ok...so when they arrive later this week i will THEN reorganize my beads =)
*scouts honor*
i wasn't a scout...can i still use it?
ok how about pinky swear? i pinky swear to reorganize my beads when my new ones arrive =D

~*~*~*~* overall results *~*~*~*~

looks like i'm doing pretty good with my goals =)

i really am sooo afraid to look at my ETSY this week becuase you know that right now in my sad sad little brain i'm going to hope that relevancy Thursday is going to bring me another sale *the mini me in my head is jumping up and down chanting "oh please oh please ohplease!!!!! i've been such a good girl this week!" *

new new cute item of the week =)

Passion for purple earrings =) (all swarovski crystals, figure-8 sterling silver chain, sterling silver headpins, sterling silver wires and sterling silver earhook. Some reason a few people I know aren't fans of the swirls at the end of the beads...I like it though..I think it gives the entire piece a little extra shine/sparkle =) http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=40257140