Get Hitched and then Switch?

I love and hate reading Entrepeneur Magazine.  I love it because there is never a time that I am not inspired to invent something or quickly download some crazy new App they are talking about.  I hate it because soon after my starry eyed gaze comes my frowning brow of anxiety that I am the dumbest person alive and I know nothing about anything.  It is sort of like learning about wine.  The more you learn, the more you realize you don't know.  It is beyond intimidating to read about these self-made millionaire-20-somethings that invented some new gadget that is smarter than I am!

While I was wallowing in my self doubt, I came across an article about a business called Hitch Switch!  Josh Gelb and Jake Wolff were two attorneys whose wives struggled to find the resources and time to quickly, accurately, and legally change their names after they wed.

How easy is this...For $25.00, the team at hitchswitch will assemble, process, and mail a fully customized name change packet to any provided U.S. address. When the client receives the forms, all that is left for them to do is sign where hitchswitch has indicated, slip the prepared forms into their pre-stamped and addressed envelopes, and drop them into the nearest mailbox. (An in-person visit to a local DMV is often required, however, upon arrival, all necessary forms will be complete and ready for processing).

Something else they do, that recently has become very dear to my heart, is donate a portion of the proceeds from each hitchswitch transaction to breast and ovarian cancer research.  Giving back is an integral part of the culture at hitch switch. Class act gentleman!

So brides out there researching how on earth to start the process of changing your name, check out!