Largest Flower In The World! Bridal Bouquet?

I always get emailed articles from my mother.  They usually consist of child rearing do's and don'ts, health, or educational photos or videos that awe my kids and I.  But today, my mom sent me this amazing article about the largest flower in the world.  I just had to know more!

Growing over 10 feet tall, the "Amorphophallus Titanum" is known as the worlds largest flower!

Here is a photo from the early 1900's in Sumatra Indonesia.  This rare bloom grows in large openings in rain forests on limestone hills.

What makes this flower even more amazing is that it only blooms about every 40 years once it has become a mature plant!

Unfortunately, I don't think that there is a bride who would ever consider wrapping this baby's stem in a pretty satin before walking down the aisle.  The tip of the flower has a core temperature the same as us humans which helps leak out a very foul smell.  It has even been nicknamed the "Corpse Flower".  Bummer!

The pollen inside the bloom.

The end of its blooming period.